Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Breaking Bad," 4x7: "Problem Dog"

[NOTE:?This recap contains SPOILERS?for "Breaking Bad" Season 5, Episode 7; proceed at your own risk.]

Jesse might not just have been shocked and depressed by his first killing; he might have become desensitized, too.

That's what I took away from the opening of last night's "Breaking Bad," which showed Walt's former right-hand man blasting away at a video game and flashing back to the head shot that killed Gale Boetticher, Walt's would-be replacement as chief chemist, last season.

The end of the scene pointed the way toward Jesse and Walt's subplot during that episode; Jesse had a choice to end the game or restart, and he chose to keep playing. Walt pressured Jesse to kill Gus with poison, and Jesse said yes, hiding the substance inside a cigarette pack and then waiting for an opportune moment. History was repeating itself; this was the second time that Walt decided he needed somebody killed and leaned on Jesse to make it happen. Teasers from next week's episode showed Walt tightening the screws on Jesse to get the job done fast -- a natural outgrowth of the episode's final scene, which showed Hank dazzling his once-skeptical DEA colleagues with a convincing case that Heisenberg was still alive and that his boss was Gustavo Fring, who was using his chicken restaurants as a front for meth distribution and throwing authorities off the scent by posing as a friend of law enforcement. ("Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," Hank said -- the second time that "Godfather" line has been quoted in the past two weeks.)

I wasn't convinced that Jesse would have agreed to Walt's request so quickly, however. Yes, the dramatic architecture was in place; Jesse's arc on "Breaking Bad" has been more like a downward moral spiral, taking him from the fringes of the drug trade into its violent heart. Yes, he's a killer now, and seemingly much more tormented about it than Walt is by his own bloody track record. (To Jesse, murder is a physical act; to Walt, it's a tactic.) But the writing here felt too expedient -- too much like a belated attempt to tie up what I call the "aftermath" narrative of Season 4, and push the characters ahead to the next phase of their existence, whatever that turns out to be. I didn't buy that Jesse would have agreed so quickly to kill Gus. It seemed like a vestige of his relationship with Walt back in Season 2, when Jesse was still devastated by his girlfriend's death and had not yet been pushed to murder.

In fairness, the episode seemed to have its doubts, too. Jesse almost immediately got a chance to kill Gus, but he didn't take it because he was interested to find out what Gus saw in him, and then he lied about it to Walt later on. I'm very intrigued to see where this subplot is headed. Even though the episode did a poor job of selling Jesse's reflexive "yes" to Walt's murder request, it set up the tantalizing possibility that he got involved in the plot because of his past associations with Walt, not because his heart was really in it. If you judge Jesse's psychological state based solely on what he's saying and doing -- how he carries himself on-screen, how actor Aaron Paul delivers the character's lines -- he seems disconnected from Walt, and emotionally much closer to Mike, who's turning into his new surrogate dad.

The show seems to be arranging its subplots so that they dovetail with a terrifying loyalty test for Jesse, one that forces him to choose between Walt and Gus (and Gus' organization). The rules of TV storytelling would seem to favor Walt because he's the main character, and because until Season 4, he and Jesse were a package deal, the Pinky and the Brain of the New Mexico drug trade.

But Walt has been such a horrible, manipulative Bad Daddy for so long that any affection Jesse still feels for him must be a result of conditioning more than authentic emotion. And unlike Walt, he still has the remains of a conscience; that's why he hallucinated seeing Gale's face in the opening, and it's why he broke down during the AA meeting and delivered a coded anecdote about killing a "Problem Dog" (the phrase that gave this episode its title). As I've written previously, deep down, Walt wants to get caught; the aerial shot of the tire tracks left by all those parking-lot donuts are a metaphor for the obvious trails he's leaving everywhere in his criminal life. I?think the same is true for Jesse. But there's a key difference. Walt's desire to get caught is a matter of vanity, so that the world will know how special he is. Jesse's urge is different. He wants to be punished.

Once the DEA investigation starts pitting the criminal characters against each other and pushing them to make extreme choices, the show's nagging plausibility problems can only become more pronounced: Jesse and Skyler's increasingly absurd efforts to launder millions in drug money through one car wash; the question of how the supposedly super-observant Gus overlooked the fact that Walt has a DEA agent brother-in-law to begin with; and why Gus would be so dumb as to intertwine a meth business with his legitimate restaurant chain and even store the product inside buckets of Los Pollos Hermanos deep-fry batter.

But all this will seem inconsequential if the show stays true to Jesse as he's been written so far, and keeps giving Aaron Paul moments as powerful as the one in the AA meeting. Walt may be the brains of "Breaking Bad," but Jesse is its heart.


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The association between socio-demographic characteristics and ...

Abstract | The association between socio-demographic characteristics and adherence to breast and colorectal cancer screening: Analysis of large sub populations.

This article is available freely via Open Access. Please click on the above link to view it fully.

Abstract (provisional)



Populations having lower socioeconomic status, as well as ethnic minorities, have demonstrated lower utilization of preventive screening, including tests for early detection of breast and colorectal cancer. The objective: To explore socio-demographic disparities in adherence to screening recommendations for early detection of cancer.


The study was conducted by Maccabi Healthcare Services, an Israeli HMO (health plan) providing healthcare services to 1.9 million members. Utilization of breast cancer (BC) and colorectal cancer (CC) screening were analyzed by socio-economic ranks (SERs), ethnicity (Arab vs non-Arab), immigration status and ownership of voluntarily supplemental health insurance (VSHI).


Data on 157,928 and 303,330 adults, eligible for BC and CC screening, respectively, were analyzed. Those having lower SER, Arabs, immigrants from Former Soviet Union countries and non-owners of VSHI performed fewer cancer screening examinations compared with those having higher SER, non-Arabs, veterans and owners of VSHI (p<0.001). Logistic regression model for BC Screening revealed a positive association with age and ownership of VSHI and a negative association with being an Arab and having a lower SER. The model for CC screening revealed a positive association with age and ownership of VSHI and a negative association with being an Arab, having a lower SER and being an immigrant. The model estimated for BC and CC screening among females revealed a positive association with age and ownership of VSHI and a negative association with being an Arab, having a lower SER and being an immigrant.


Patients from low socio-economic backgrounds, Arabs, immigrants and those who do not own supplemental insurance do fewer tests for early detection of cancer. These sub-populations should be considered priority populations for targeted intervention programs and improved resource allocation. Key Words: Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Early Detection of Cancer, Health Disparities, Demographic Characteristics

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Monday, August 29, 2011

When Republicans suddenly need government


Chris Christie on Sunday's "Meet the Press"

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is a conservative Republican who likes to decry high taxes and Big Government. But he?s also a smart politician, so as Hurricane Irene made its way through his state this weekend, he threw on an official-looking gubernatorial fleece, camped out at his state?s emergency command center, and essentially provided a one-man argument for the importance of government.

In a series of television appearances, Christie estimated that there might be "tens of billions" of dollars in damage, but assured viewers that a competent team of state and federal officials would be leading the cleanup effort. He said he was "proud" of the state/federal coordination, noted that "we have FEMA people right here on site ... working incredibly hard at providing things to us that we need," and explained why President Obama?s willingness to declare an emergency in the state had been so vital. He also offered this deal to New Jersey residents: "You need to stay in your home, and if you do, we can keep you safe and then we can ride through this."

In a way, there really wasn?t anything remarkable about the sight of Christie, a favorite of the Tea Party crowd, pleading with citizens to put their faith and trust in government.

Natural disasters invariably serve as political tests for state and municipal leaders, who are punished by the press and the public if they are seen as insufficiently concerned about the danger or not effectively engaged in providing relief. You could, for instance, make a case that Michael Bloomberg?s mayoralty in New York City hasn?t quite been the same since his widely panned response to a blizzard last December.

Christie was also caught off-guard by that blizzard, which struck while he and his family were vacationing in Florida, and the heat he took for that might be part of the reason he was so visible this weekend. And there is a long tradition of governors and mayors from both parties enhancing their images by saying and doing the exact same things he said and did this weekend.

The politics of Christie?s performance, though, become more interesting when you consider how another prominent national Republican greeted Irene. "We should be like 1900," Ron Paul said on Friday, arguing that the federal government -- and FEMA in particular -- should not be involved in disaster relief efforts. On "Fox News Sunday," he expanded his thoughts, blasting FEMA as "a system of bureaucratic central economic planning."

"So this idea that a bleeding heart will say, 'Oh, we have to take care of [the victims of Irene].' I mean, the whole idea of FEMA is a gross distortion of insurance," Paul said. In his ideal world, he added, federal disaster relief would be slowly phased out, since FEMA hinders the efforts of volunteers and the rights of local citizens by "telling you what you can and can?t do."

Now, it?s easy to place too much significance in Paul?s various obsessions. As I?ve written, his views on foreign policy and some civil liberties issues are so far from his party?s mainstream that it?s basically inconceivable that he?ll even come close to winning the GOP?s presidential nomination next year. But on economic issues, the post-meltdown base of the Republican Party has swung dramatically in his direction these past few years.

In other words, the true believers who make up today?s GOP base probably are more sympathetic to Paul?s claim that "we just don?t have the money" for federal disaster relief than they are to Christie?s statement that "your No. 1 goal as governor in a situation like this is the saving of human life -- and everything else is secondary."

This underscores a serious political problem for the Obama-era Republican Party. It used to be that GOP elected officials had some wiggle room when it came to balancing the demands of their base with the imperatives of keeping the broader public happy. This was important because the general public has some very mixed feelings when it comes to the role of government. While conservative rhetoric about government being bloated, wasteful, inefficient and unnecessary is quite popular, so are most big ticket government programs and services. Republicans have learned this in the past when they?ve bent too far toward pleasing their base -- think of Newt Gingrich?s attack on Medicare in 1995 or George W. Bush's planned Social Security overhaul in 2005.

But the wiggle room is basically gone, and today?s GOP base demands absolute ideological purity from its leaders. It?s no longer enough for them to campaign on generic anti-government rhetoric. The expectation now is that they will deliver a full-scale assault on the size and cost of government once they?re elected -- and if not, they can expect serious trouble in their next primary. It was this dynamic that led Republican House leaders to take a truly extraordinary step earlier this year by lining up behind a plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program even though they knew it would be politically poisonous with general election swing voters. But they felt they had no choice: It was the only way to keep the base happy.

The problem for the GOP isn?t really Paul himself. It?s the Paul-ist absolutism that has infected the party base, helping to elevate fringe ideologues to newfound prominence and forcing previously pragmatic leaders to embrace absolute and unyielding postures that soothe the base but agitate swing voters. This helps explain why the Republican Party?s image has plunged to its lowest level in modern polling.

Which is why Christie and Paul were so interesting to watch this weekend. In ditching the government-bashing for a few days, Christie skillfully played to his state?s swing voters and provided a potentially helpful model for his national party. But because of where today?s GOP base is, it may not be a model the national party is in any position to follow.


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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Reverse Phone Lookups And How They Apply To Cellphones

As a fairly controversial subject, reverse phone lookups obtained from drivers on a toll road raises many questions when it comes to legality and technical possibility. There are many benefits to being able to communicate with motorists while in transit. The question becomes: do the benefits of this communication outweigh the potential privacy issues associated with obtaining the driver?s cell phone number and contact information? Where should the line be drawn when it comes to what information can be obtained and the limit of what information can be transmitted to those on the road? Furthermore, should drivers be able to opt out of this communication if privacy is deemed to be an issue?

Reverse Phone Lookups Reverse Phone Lookups And How They Apply To Cellphones

Is this technically possible?

With current cell phone surveillance technology, it is certainly possible to set up equipment to monitor cell phone activity through the air waves. While this technology is currently pricy, it may be worth the expense by saving time and resources of the toll road operators by cutting the cost of mailing toll fees and establishing electronic payment options for the drivers using the system.

Do the benefits outweigh the privacy issues?

Wouldn?t it be nice to receive a text message warning you of traffic conditions or hazardous incidents ahead? By monitoring the airwaves on toll roads and pulling the phone number from the cell phone transmissions, toll road operators could use reverse phone lookups to send personalized messages to motorists with pertinent information such as how to get a transponder account on the telephone, how to pay license plate imaged tolls, or warnings of incidents ahead on the road. Even with these benefits, this presents a real privacy issue since the phone numbers would be obtained along with the cell phone transmission.

Even though the process would be automated and the phone number extracted without a human viewing the transmission, many people may view this as a breech in personal privacy that would be a serious legal issue. In the grand scheme of things, this isn?t any different than the communication that is already monitored in other areas of technology. A simple solution would be to post a notice at the beginning of the toll road section notifying drivers that they may receive communication on their cell phones if they are turned on and transmitting during the course of driving the toll road.

Where do we draw the line?

While it is easy to obtain the phone number of the people driving on a toll road the question must be asked how much information should be gained from receiving the cell phone transmission? Along with the phone number that is transmitted, text from text messages may also be able to be grabbed from the airwaves or even the phone conversations themselves. Regulations must be in place to ensure the motorists that only their phone number will be used to reply with transmitted information.

In addition to this, using a reverse phone lookup will provide the operators with the name and billing address of the cell phone owner. Also, the amount of communication and type of advertising that is allowed in this fashion is a big issue since no one likes getting unsolicited advertisements. Strict rules must be put in place and enforced before motorists would be comfortable with this service.

Should drivers be able to opt out?

To ease the mind of drivers on the road, the option of being able to opt out of direct messages using this service should be available. While this would not prevent their communications from being picked up by the surveillance or the cell numbers from being entered into the reverse lookup, it would give motorists the peace of mind that they would not be contacted further.

As controversial as this service may be, it deserves to be looked at seriously for the benefits and cost savings that it presents. Toll roads may be forever changed by this technology. It is up to us to make sure that it is safe as well as beneficial.


Author Bio: Miles Walker normally writes feature articles on car insurance quotes for He recently wrote about Vermont car insurance.

For Further Reading:

  1. Is Your Phone Telling Advertisers Too Much?
  2. How to Program a Cell Phone
  3. Capitalizing On Business Opportunities In The Cell Phone Industry
  4. Do You Really Need Cell Phone Accessories?
  5. Is Your Phone Being Wiretapped [Infographic]


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nursing Assistant Profession Opportunities Are Supposed To ...

Nursing assistant job positions are expected to be some of the fastest-growing positions in the entire US over the next few years. That being the case, I thought it'd be good to cover in this post what exactly it suggests to be a nursing assistant and what areas are most needed in the job landscape.

Nursing assistants are a. K. A nursing aides, nursing assistants, authorized nursing assistants, geriatric aides, assistive staff, orderlies or hospital attendance. As you can see, it could be a bit of a trick to simply get a grip on all of the different monikers linked with the job. Generally speaking, nurse assistants help care for physically unwell, injured, disabled or infirm folk in a variety of environments that include nursing care facilities, assisted living centres and hospitals.

Nursing assistants will perform regular tasks under the observation of nurses and proper medical staff. While the task can vary seriously, nursing assistants will generally be looked upon to help their patients eat, dress, wash, make beds, serve meals, as well as other tiny tasks along the same line. Nursing assistants will also be called upon to take simple medical procedures such as temperature, pulse, respiration rate and blood pressure so as to monitor the health of their patients. Frequently nursing assistants are also called upon to help medical staff set up gear, store supplies and even help and some simple medical processes.

Keep in mind that becoming a nursing assistant can be slightly physically demanding, with a lot of hours of walking and standing around often having to hurry to complete tasks. While changing into a nursing assistant can contain some upsetting jobs, there's phenomenal upside to the job. You will be the one called upon to have the most connection with your patients which can regularly lead to awesome bonding experiences as you help your patients deal with their numerous illnesses and issues.

Thanks to the increasing age of baby boomers, nursing assistants are expected to be in more demand as the years go by. According to the US Bureau of Work Stats, nursing assistant positions are predicted to grow to rate of 19% which is quicker than average in comparison to other roles across the country.

For more information, definitely check out This is a great salary website that covers a bunch of different careers including in-depth information on Nurse assistant salary.


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

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Oftentimes, when talking about Gout Friendly Foods, it is not a good idea to think of it in isolated terms. So then what you simply should do is gather as many details as possible and think about them. Therefore you do have to be cautious about what you choose and dismiss. It is only soon after looking at all that is on the table will you be in a strong position to make your move. The bottom line is you need to know the following about Gout Friendly Foods so you can make an informed decision.

Calendula, which is the botanical expression for marigold blossoms, is an anti-inflammatory, anti-redness, anti-itching herb that also kills Propionibacterium acnes. Additionally, calendula soaps, washes, and scrubs will destroy staph bacterium that can also inflame the skin. (If you have a skin outbreak that brings about pimples to pop up overnight and they have a yellow, round center, chances are you have an infection with staph bacteria, rather than acne bacteria.)

Calendula also relives pain. Medical trials have observed that it is about as powerful as aspirin or Tylenol, but it delivers ache relief specifically to the skin, instead than obtaining to pass thru the gastrointestinal tract and the liver previously coming into the bloodstream to in due course circulate to the skin. You get the most powerful discomfort relief from marigold oil, but don?t spread a great deal of marigold oil on your experience without doing a skin patch check to make guaranteed you are not allergic. Dab a tiny bit of marigold oil on your forearm, and wait 8 hours lacking washing the oil off. If there is no irritation or indication of allergy on your forearm, then it?s safe to use calendula on your confront.

Natural Solutions And 5 Details You Could Know About Them

In the previous handful of decades, the natural solutions have slowly acquired reputation not only in the countries where by they have been used for hundreds of many years, but also in the Western entire world. They carry various positive aspects through the chemical medicines and are thought to be safer, even more cost-effective, and in sure situations a little more effective. Nevertheless, the all natural remedies are not a magic potion and do not treatment or treat all recognized conditions, issues, and health ailments and just before commencing any sort of a therapy irrespective if it calls for all natural products and solutions or synthetic medications, you really should speak to your health care provider primary.

Some of the most extensively marketed natural treatments in these days are the ones that treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in guys and by plainly running a very few searches on the big search engines, you are likely to find a lot of sites marketing healthy Viagra and claiming it to be further useful than the pharmaceutical pill. Outlined below are 5 necessary information that you would be wise to know about all purely natural remedies that are implemented for treating impotence and other sexual disorders:

Natural Remedies For Infertility ? Tested and Productive Natural Treatments For Female Infertility

Female infertility can be brought about by many stuff. It can be because of to abnormal weight, hormones, genes or unhealthy weight loss program. No issue what the trigger is, herbal medicines for infertility are the very best reply to your drawback. Natural remedies are manufactured up of herbs and vegetation.

Manufacturer?s of natural drugs prevent employing chemical compounds due to the fact they test to find remedies for quite a few health-related disorders using almost nothing but nature?s pure gift. Here are some of the examples herbs you can use to look at rising your chances of currently being fertile, and thus obtaining pregnant quicker.

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one. Vitamin C complex. The glands of the adrenal save and use high amounts of vitamin C. The total taken depends on the age.

two. Betacol. It can provide the dietary support which is highly very important for the liver to perk up and enhance the clearance of exogenous hormones.


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Deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference held in 2010 ...

You are here: Home / Economics / Deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference held in 2010, economic development ? the central

Deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference held in 2010, economic development ? the central

Article by jekky

Annual Central Economic Work Conference on the 5th morning in Beijing The conference will analyze the international and domestic situation summed up the economic work in 2009 the economic development of the 2010 deployment br br Central Economic Work Conference was attracted wide attention because of China 39 s overall economic work for next year set the tone Can be expected this year 39 s Central Economic Work Conference issued quot policy tightening signals quot no longer exists is expected next year to continue the proactive fiscal policy and loose monetary policy is no longer appropriate suspense will remain stable direction br br The central economic work conference in the continuity of economic policies to promote consumer demand and how to respond to popular concern about inflation expectations and other hot spots br br Set the policy tone for the Central Political Bureau meeting br Often become the central economic work meeting the second year to judge the market as an important benchmark In the November 27 meeting of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau meeting are considered as the central economic work meeting quot set the tone will be quot br br The Politburo meeting stressed that to maintain continuity and stability of macro economic policies continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy and loose monetary policy appropriately according to the new situation and new focus on improving the policy relevance and flexibility Meeting and highlighted quot To promote domestic demand especially consumer demand continued to increase and enhance residents especially low income people spending power perfect the consumption policy quot br br The meeting and presented the work of the five next year quot more attention quot more focus on improving quality and efficiency of economic growth more emphasis on promoting economic development mode and economic restructuring more emphasis on promoting reform and opening up and independent innovation and enhance economic growth and vitality and power pay more attention to improving people 39 s livelihood and maintaining social harmony and stability greater emphasis on co ordinate domestic and international situations to achieve stable and rapid economic development br br But before the meeting of the Central Political Bureau the parties concerned that the topic around quot the central economic conference will introduce tightening signal quot while the dispute was but after meeting the policies proposed change tone a complete end to stimulus will withdraw from the debate at this time br br Or promote the consumption structure placed in a prominent position adjustment br The CPC Central Committee Political Bureau meeting to send a clear message that at least three meanings First the unprecedented consumer demand will be placed on the promotion of quot structural adjustment quot in a prominent position and second to expand consumer demand for more focused and specific third is to expand consumer policy ideas turning to root level operations br br In Financial When the crisis struck the Chinese economy in a timely manner with the central decisive and strong macro control interventions have had obvious turning point China 39 s economy has entered a new round of economic cycle increase access can be said that China 39 s economy has been inconsistent the end of recovery The expansion of domestic demand will be leading a new round of economic growth in the main br br Specific measures on November 27 of the Political Bureau meeting on the 10 specific direction in addition to maintaining the basic orientation of macroeconomic policy and macroeconomic control the consumer to become the first mentioned contents Session to promote domestic demand especially consumer demand continued to grow and enhance residents especially low income people spending power perfect the consumption policy

About the Author

I am China Manufacturers writer, reports some information about men dress socks , cuff socks.

Written by: Dan on August 22, 2011.

Posted by Dan on Monday, August 22, 2011 at 7:51 pm?
Filed under Economics ? Tagged with 2010, Beijing, Benchmark, Central, Conference, Continuity, Cpc Central Committee, Deployment, Development, Economic, Economic Development, Economic Policies, Economic Work, Fiscal Policy, held, Hot Spots, Inflation Expectations, Monetary Policy, New Focus, New Situation, Policy Relevance, Politburo, Power Consumption, S Central, Signals, Spending Power, work


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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Golf Club Sales of Used Golf Clubs |

Many beginner golfers are tempted to rush out and buy a brand new set of golf clubs but you need to think about this because a lot of newcomers to the game, especially kids and teenagers, find that their initial enthusiasm wears off and they end up with a big bill which they wish they had not paid.

For most beginners a second-hand set of clubs is more than adequate and there are plenty of golf club sales of used golf clubs to choose from. Used golf clubs can be found in the majority of used sporting good stores, at weekend garage sales, in classified ads in your local newspaper and of course online. You should also check out the pro shop at your local golf course for any available used golf clubs.

The main thing to remember when buying golf clubs, whether new or used, is that they must fit your height, arm length and swing speed. Another important factor when buying used golf clubs is how the clubs feel in your hands when you hold them at the address and when you are swinging them.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

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High-quality field, so that they add a house or business, especially if the garden of color and creativity to bring forward. If a homeowner or contractor to do the next step, and adding landscape lighting is the result of the potential is phenomenal. Landscape lighting enhances really attractive gardens and can withdraw and turn ordinary garden attractive in the garden. Add fields are not necessarily all that is difficult or even very strong cost pressures, but the lighting adds curb appeal landscape neutral.

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The local economy dipped after World War II , which had seen the dispersion of the numerous Japanese-American businessmen. The local economy rose again with manufacturing company Boeing?s growing dominance in the airliner market?? Seattle celebrated its restored prosperity and made a bid for world recognition with the Century 21 Exposition, the 1962 World?s Fair. The local economy went into another major downturn in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Many left the area to look for work elsewhere, and two local real estate agents put up a billboard reading ?Will the last person leaving Seattle ? Turn out the lights.

Until 2001 Seattle remailed the corporate headquarters of Boeing , when the company set-apart its headquarters from its major output facilities. Boeing finally chose to move its corporate headquarters to Chicago. The Seattle area is still home to Boeing?s Renton narrow-body plant (where the 707, 720, 727, and 757 were assembled, and the 737 is assembled today) and Everett wide-body plant (assembly plant for the 747, 767, 777, and 787); the company?s credit union for employees, BECU, remains based in the Seattle area, though it is now open to all residents of Washington.

As prosperity began to return in the 1980s , the city was stunned by the Wah Mee massacre in 1983, when thirteen people were killed in an illegal card-playing club in the International District, Seattle?s Chinatown. Beginning with Microsoft?s 1979 move from Albuquerque, New Mexico to nearby Bellevue, Washington, Seattle and its suburbs became home to a number of technology companies including, RealNetworks , McCaw Cellular (now part of AT&T Mobility), VoiceStream (now T-Mobile USA) , and biomedical corporations such as HeartStream (later purchased by Philips), Heart Technologies (later purchased by Boston Scientific), Physio-Control (later purchased by Medtronic), ZymoGenetics, ICOS (later purchased by Eli Lilly and Company) and Immunex (later purchased by Amgen). This success brought an influx of new citizens with a population increase within city limits of almost 50,000 between 1990 and 2000, and saw Seattle?s real estate become some of the most expensive in the country. Many of the Seattle area?s tech companies remain relatively firmly, but the frenzied dot-com boom years ended in early 2001.

Seattle in this period attracted widespread attention as home to these many companies, but also by hosting the 1990 Goodwill Games and the APEC leaders conference in 1993, as well as through the worldwide popularity of grunge, a sound that had developed in Seattle?s independent music scene. Another bid for worldwide attention?hosting the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference of 1999?garnered visibility, but not in the manner its sponsors desired, as related protest activity and police reactions to those protests overshadowed the conference itself. The city was further shaken by the Mardi Gras Riots in 2001, and was literally shaken the next day by the Nisqually Earthquake.

The UK consulting firm Mercer, in a 2009 assessment ?conducted to help governments and major companies place employees on international assignments?, ranked Seattle 50th worldwide in quality of living; the survey factored in political stability, personal freedom, sanitation, crime , housing, the natural environment , recreation, banking facilities , availableness of consumer goods, education , and public services including transportation.

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Minority Certification Support Small Businesses | Small Business ...

Minority Certification Support Small Businesses

If you own a prospective business and looking for financial support to grow up and stay afloat in present competitive market, 8a Small Business Certification would be the best solution for you. This is a special business support or assistance offered by the finance management experts and business administrators through US government certified agencies to help the businesses flourish and improve entire social economy in turn. While summarizing the benefits of minority certification, the most talked about benefit you will find is the immense business assistance given for small and start up business ventures.


However, there are some other benefits in offer to help you enjoy the pleasure of independence. It helps you to bid for the federal contracts that place your business one step ahead. And you don?t have to beg for the assistance of any kind to any one. The authentication will be given by the federal agencies itself. Also this Minority Certification keeps you covered with the government aids for a long tenure of 9 years. So, you can roll your business safe and secured with 8a small business certificationand get the chance to move forward with an expert guidance. It is been said that 8 A certification makes people dream for the wings and fly high.



SBA is one type of such small business support or Minority Certification, which is the acronym of Small business Administration. This is a specially designed program to feed women owned, start up and small business processes driven by the minorities and economically disadvantaged business processes. It is, however, advisable that you get a clear knowledge about the program to select the best suitable one for your venture.


Once you are decided to apply for the 8 a certification process an online training program will first be given to help you learn about the program detail. After that a series of self assessment questions will be appeared which are to answer in Yes or No. All these questions are set to check your mental ability, consistency and business potential. You can also get more personalized guidance hiring the professional 8a business counselors. So, before applying for the Minority Certification, it is highly advisable to go through a course of online training, which suggests the program details and application procedure. However, you can put it as a self evaluation course as well for it makes you rethink about the decision and your future plans and goals. US federal government is the most prospective buyer of quality product and services but they can hardly afford spending on useless endeavors. That is the reason why such tests are been set for the applicants.


8a small business certification helps small business entrepreneurs to attain various government aids and opportunities in order to make them achieve a potential growth. This helps the entrepreneurs to bypass the threats of giant business structures in turn. SBA 8A certification, the name has been derived from the organization itself. Here you must remember the rules and regulations your business should meet to become eligible for the certification.

Steven Brown is a professional internet marketer. To get more information about 8a small business, 8a business 8 a certification or minority certification visit


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Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Best Ways To Appreciate Scuba Diving For Entertainment And ...

If you have never tried scuba diving, you may be missing out on one of the most coveted sports around the world. Whether you enjoy swimming, snorkeling, or just being in the water, scuba diving is definitely a sport you need to try. Local community centers nationwide typically have information regarding certification courses in scuba diving. Learning from books is not enough: that is why certified instructors are there to help you. Aside from going in the water, certified dive masters are full of information and tips on how to do your diving the best way. People that want to become certified trainers can also take additional courses that will help them achieve this goal. This article is written in a way that will present information and suggestions to help you stay safe while diving wherever you are in the world.

Most veterans understand that the dive briefing that you are given prior to your scuba adventure is extremely important for many reasons. This report is essential prior to any dive no matter how many times you have been scuba diving in that area. It is of utmost importance that any dive that you undertake only happen after you?ve listened to the dive master. This report by the dive master will include how deep the dive will be, and exactly where you?re going and what you will be doing. You can actually put yourself in a more dangerous situation by not listening to what has been said and thinking that you have it all under control. It is important to know of any variables that may be at the dive location so that you can properly prepare in case of an emergency or danger.

It is important to always keep your ears open, especially when you are around experienced divers, for suggestions that they might have to improve your diving. It is very important to always maintain your diving gear; doing so will ensure that all of your dives are as safe as possible. Many novice divers will actually have the impression that they will not have enough weight to go deep on a dive. If you find that you are moving an excessive amount, causing you to become tired and to breathe excess air, you may want to modify this situation. All of this will lead to you using too much air far too quickly. Therefore, check your BC to make sure that the buoyancy compensator itself is not clogged with air bubbles.

To have a safe and fun experience, there are things that you should know about night diving. When you are planning your first dive at night, you should understand that you shouldn?t go too deep. Diving after the sun goes down should only be shallow dives. The opinion of most night divers with years of experience, was that diving thirty to forty feet was the recommended depth. For some, sixty feet was the deepest that they would recommend.

No matter how good you are diving, never become complacent about your abilities which may lead to a dangerous scenario. What will happen is you will start to believe that you know what will occur before it does, or that you can handle situations no matter what is happening. This type of thinking is very lackadaisical and could lead to serious complications. Having this state of mind can cause you to become less concerned with safety issues than you should be which is not good for you or anyone that you are diving with.This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on vertical window air conditioner.


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SEO For Publishing Companies

In these difficult times, many publishing companies have problems attracting new customers and subscribers. This is true of? publishing companies of all sizes. If you feel like your publishing company is a victim of this new era, you may be interested in trying some new marketing strategies.

Some experts already claim that publishing is dead, now that the internet has such a huge role in people?s lives. They claim that traditional publishing is quickly being replaced by push-button publishing. However, there is still a place in society for traditional publishing methods. Publishers need to learn how to use the internet to their advantage, instead of letting the internet take advantage of them.

The internet is like a big, giant billboard. It?s like a prime-time commercial. The internet is the next wave of marketing. In order to be successful in this era, you have to market your company on the internet. Internet marketing takes several forms. One of which is the traditional method of website advertisements; one can basically pay to have your advertise on other websites. Another way to advertise online is by using social media. Leveraging from social media to advertise your business is a relatively new method, but it can have astounding results. Your business can be visible throughout social networks. It?s similar to grassroots marketing for a whole new era, and with even better results.

One of the best ways to advertise your business online is with SEO. SEO, or search engine optimization, makes sure that your publishing company?s website is optimized for users and search engines. People generally only look at the first few pages of search engine results, so that is where you want your publishing website to be.

Search engine optimization does this in various ways. For example, making sure you have a user-friendly and Google-friendly CMS, or content management system. One example of a very good CMS is WordPress.

A reputable SEO strategist can also help enhance your website with backlinks and original content. These backlinks would connect other related sites to your site. The more backlinks or true and valid connections you have, the more search engines will take note of you. Original content will also help your publishing website to stand out from the crowd.

The original content topics must be identified through advanced keyword research and competitive research. Since we know the search volume trends at any given time, the right topics can make all the difference. The content must be unique and original, it also must appeal to the users on every level. One should make sure that your page titles, meta descriptions, and all of your other content is completely optimized for maximum search engine ?and user visibility.

One thing to realize, though, is that SEO is something you need for the long haul. It is not a quick fix to all of your problems. Search engine rankings change all the time. If you want to make sure that your publishing website is consistently within the first few pages of results, you need to continue to use SEO techniques on a regular basis.

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Click here to read the rest of? SEO For Publishing Companies. If you enjoyed this article, you also might like to read about Internet Marketing Company


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Saturday, August 20, 2011

DNA Testing Camp ? Blog Archive ? Naturopathy What it is Carried ...

Acupuncture San Diego is considered to get started on in China for the period of 3000 BC and in many cases previously by all around 5000 BC. Having said that, some studies states which the Europeans had been the primary an individual to carry out this apply of medicine prior to the Chinese. Within this event, like yoga, acupuncture?s time of existence remains not recognised.

Acupuncture Hillcrest is believed being fantastic in relieving pain, treating infertility and avoiding incidence of ailment. Alternatively, what?s more, it promotes standard health and fitness of a person. In acupuncture, the consultants thought the body has pathways or what they labeled as meridians which transport the electricity into the organs. These meridians are known to be attached with a number of physique organs and physiological process. Considering that the existence of acupuncture transpired even prior to the human anatomy is observed, the places in the needles are based upon the calculations of astrology.

Also, in acupuncture, the ailment occurrence is thought being due from any blockage or obstruction alongside the meridians. Additionally, the effectiveness of acupuncture during the treatment and prevention of diseases is still questionable towards the public. While some international locations are convinced that acupuncture is crucial and helpful, the western facet within the world does not. The western medicine considered that acupuncture operates only by blocking the soreness receptors and stimulates the grow release of endorphins that are accountable for pain relief.

For you personally being able to undergo acupuncture, the pro acupuncturist conducts first of all a thorough evaluation of the illness and its signs or symptoms. From the event which the expert has decided the desired remedy in your case, needles are inserted on specific body components. You may not think pain primarily should the a single conducting the treatment method is surely an professional. What?s more, you are going to ordinarily feel warm or tingling sensation or slight pricking in needle insertion.

Since the needle is entirely inserted and as the practice progresses, chances are you?ll think calm and sleepy. The needle just isn?t eliminated and allow stayed inserted on the entire body for 20 to forty-five minutes. After the process, chances are you?ll feel more energized as well as experience deeply calm and sleepy. Some patients? well being situations can be dealt with in just one session; even so, some could possibly be required to undergo sequence of even more sessions. As opposed to administration of regular medicines, acupuncture if taken in overdose might not be incredibly unhealthy, apart from it?s going to supply you with just mild bruising and soreness for the web site of insertion.

The cure of polycystic ovarian syndrome with all the utilization of acupuncture is identified out to get powerful. For the period of the previous 20 several years and over the calendar year 2000, the Gatebourg University performed an examine related to the usage of acupuncture while in the therapy of PCOS. You can get twenty-four clients with polycystic ovarian syndrome concerned inside study. Following the procedure and review, they?ve observed out that nine of those sufferers or thirty-eight percent responds to acupuncture. Benefits best-known with these nine PCOS? sufferers will be the capacity of getting typical and usual ovulation, modest excess fat decline and enhanced general head and entire body wellbeing.

Yet, clients with extreme polycystic ovarian syndrome which include these with boost testosterone and insulin amounts, and so are obese are most not likely to respond to this cure.


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What Should We Build Next? You Decide. | Open Home Pro iPad Real ...

We are beginning development of the next major version of Open Home Pro and we want to let you guide our next set of features. Please take the time to give us your feedback below about what features we should add.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Samsung Series 7 700G7A targets gamers with monstrous size and specs

Samsung Series 7 700G7A
Samsung has never really tried to court gamers with its laptops, but a glimpse its new Series 7 family indicates that may be changing. German sites, and, scored the deets on this 17.3-inch behemoth and it's safe to say the 700G7A is a force to be reckoned with. Pushing pixels to the 1,920 x 1,080 screen is a Radeon HD 6970m with 2GB of RAM, while a 2GHz quad-core Core i7 takes care of any non-graphical tasks. Not impressed yet? Well, you can also trick it out with up to 16GB of RAM and a Blu-ray drive, to compliment its USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports, HDMI jack, and Bluetooth 3.0 radio. The most convincing sign this rig is squarely aimed at dedicated gamers is the backlit keyboard -- the W, A, S and D keys are highlighted in red, while the rest of the spread glows a calming blue. The 700G7A will hit shelves in September for around €1,800 (about $2,600), though there's no word if said shelves include those here in the states. Check out NewGadgets' hands-on video after the break.

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Inflexibility may give pupils with autism problems in multitasking

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Young people with autism may find it difficult to multitask because they stick rigidly to tasks in the order they are given to them, according to research led by an academic at the University of Strathclyde.

The study also found that difficulty with 'prospective memory'- remembering to carry out their intentions- may contribute to the challenges they face.

The researchers presented the pupils with a series of tasks, such as collecting and delivering a book and making a cup of hot chocolate, to be carried out within a time limit of eight minutes. These activities were carried out in a computer-generated virtual environment.

They found that the pupils did not appear to deviate from the order in which the tasks were listed, although doing so could have saved them time. They also broke several rules for the tasks, notably only being allowed to go up one staircase and down another.

An equal number of pupils with and without autism spectrum disorders (ASD) took part in the study. The researchers will be exploring further the causes of the pupils' problems with multitasking, in areas such as planning, memory, time pressure and inhibitory control.

Dr Gnanathusharan Rajendran, a lecturer in Psychology at Strathclyde, led the research, which also involved the University of Edinburgh and Liverpool John Moores University. He said: "Our research offers a real insight into the problems young people with autism have with multitasking and points the way to further investigation for possible solutions. By using, for the first time, a virtual environment, we have been able to examine what may lie behind these problems more closely than might be possible in a real-world setting.

"The pupils with autism achieved tasks when they were given to them singly but difficulties emerged when they were asked to interleave the tasks with each other. There was no difference in the time taken by the groups but the pupils with autism completed fewer tasks.

"The exercise could help to deal with these multitasking problems. The tasks or their environment could be changed to see if there is any influence on the outcomes and they could also be a tool for teaching and training."


University of Strathclyde:

Thanks to University of Strathclyde for this article.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Muted demand leaves Lowe's 2nd-qtr profit flat (AP)

NEW YORK ? Volatile weather and shoppers' worries about the economy muted demand during Lowe's key early-summer selling season, leaving its second-quarter net income nearly flat, the nation's second-largest home improvement retailer said Monday.

Lowe's Cos. lowered its sales forecast for the second half of its fiscal year due to consumers' uncertainty, CEO Robert Niblock told The Associated Press.

Niblock cited three factors likely to hurt spending: the debate in Washington this month over the debt ceiling, the subsequent downgrade by Standard & Poor's of the nation's credit rating and the recent stock market fluctuations.

"(Consumers) have a somewhat fragile mindset already, and we don't believe any of those things helped," he said.

Shoppers continue to focus on repair and maintenance projects under $500, he added, rather than larger home-renovation jobs.

Lowe's closed seven stores Sunday that it said were underperforming; the move eliminated 650 jobs.

The company's net income for the three months that ended July 29 was $830 million, or 64 cents per share. That compares with $832 million, or 58 cents per share, a year earlier.

Excluding a charge related to the long-term value of the stores it closed, it earned 68 cents per share. Analysts expected adjusted earnings of 66 cents per share, according to FactSet.

Revenue rose 1 percent to $14.54 billion. Analysts expected $14.77 billion.

Niblock said in a statement that the performance fell short of the company's expectations, despite some recovery in seasonal sales.

The company said its revenue in stores open at least a year fell 0.3 percent. That comparison is a key gauge of retailers' financial health because it excludes stores that opened or closed during the year.

Lowe's results were strongest in the North Central and Northeast regions of the U.S. as customers made repairs after a winter of snow and ice storms. Results were weaker in the Gulf Coast, which has suffered heat and drought this summer.

"Even after taking into account the challenges of the macro environment, we are still not pleased with our performance this year," Niblock said in a call with analysts. "For both do-it-yourself and commercial business customers we must drive more trips, close more sales and build bigger baskets."

He said Lowe's is focusing on offering key items that are readily available elsewhere at the lowest price possible, while reducing promotional discounts. Lowe's also is revamping its flooring selection and expanding its ceramic tile offerings.

In the third quarter, Lowe's expects net income of 30 cents to 33 cents per share, including a charge of 1 to 2 cents per share related to closing the seven stores Aug. 14. It expects revenue to rise 2 percent, implying revenue of $11.82 billion.

For the fiscal year ending Feb. 3, Lowe's expects net income of $1.48 to $1.54 per share, including a reduction of 6 cents per share for the store closings. It now predicts revenue will rise 2 percent, including an extra week in the fiscal year. That's down from a prior forecast of 4 percent. The new forecast implies revenue of $49.8 billion. Analysts expect revenue of $50.38 billion.

Lowe's said its store in Sanford, N.C., which was destroyed by a tornado on April 16, will reopen Sept. 8.

The company, based in Mooresville, N.C., operates 1,753 stores in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Shares rose 17 cents to $19.68.


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