Saturday, December 31, 2011

Apple made collection of inspirational songs in 80s?

By Rosa Golijan


"This is probably the most ridiculous message I'm gonna leave in quite a while, but ... ," I chuckled awkwardly before explaining that I'm wondering if anyone from Apple can confirm that the company put out a collection of inspirational songs labeled as the "Apple Boogie" in the 80s.

Considering that it's the very end of the year and that even Apple's press relations team is supposedly getting a little break, I doubt that the voicemail will get a response anytime soon.

Here's what I do know though.

The folks at the Next Web?were recently scouring the Internet for something called "Blue Busters," a Ghostbusters parody video?created for Apple's 1984 International Sales Meeting. During their search for this silly clip, they came across something else ? a collection of eight MP3 files.

The MP3 collection was posted to an Apple-focused South African website called Apple2.ORG.ZA and it came with scans of a cassette tape cover which suggested that the songs belong to something called the "Apple Boogie." The scans also showed the lyrics?for the collection's tunes (which include?"Power to Be Your Best," "We're So Excited," Apple II forever," Building the Future with You," the song from the "Blue Busters" video and more).

Some clever searches revealed further references to the "Apple Boogie" collection.

An archive of the comp.sys.apple2 Usenet group showed?a mention of the cassette tape in 2005:

Mac GUI Vault

The poster of that message would later offer to upload the songs in MP3 format (which appears to be how they wound up on Apple2.ORG.ZA). Another member of the Usenet group would chime in and suggest that the cassette tape was handed out during a sales conference in the 80s.

The exchange would wither out shortly after that and one of the only other mentions of the "Apple Boogie" would be on RedLightRunner, a website which stocks and sells Apple memorabilia. (I'll save you a click: The tape's already sold out.) There we'd learn that the collection was supposedly produced by Geoff Levin and Chris Many.

That's all we know about this delightful collection of songs for now, folks. We'll update if we hear back from Apple, but in the meantime we'll just quietly hum along to a couple of upbeat tunes.

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