Friday, March 23, 2012

Six Biggest Sex Mistakes That We Do | Socyberty

Both men and women often make mistakes in sexual relationships. Many would welcome to hear a lesson what to do if something doesn?t work in bed. It is the responsibility of both partners to actively participate and learn about what they need to have a healthy, exciting and fulfilling sex life.

For a good sex life partners must exercise and find out what do they like. If you are not satisfied with these things now, there is hope for improvement. There is a lot of things you can do to change your relationships and make the most of your sexual expression.

I?ve compiled a list of 6 mistakes women make in bed and advice on how to fix them.

1. Expecting your man to think like women and vice versa?

This is a cause of frustration for many men and women. Men confuse women, and women do not understand men. Expecting them to think the same way, not only is useless and a waste of time, but also a cause for disagreements and tensions. Men and women are different. Their brains work differently. This is one reason why communication is so important! Thinking men view sex or have the same sexual feelings and desires as women will worsen sexual experience.

2. Do not expect your partner to read your thoughts

This is actually a continuation of the above tips. He can?t read minds, just as you can?t read his. You must express your sexual needs and desires. Many women find this difficult and do not feel comfortable. Partly this is a result of conservative upbringing that women impose a passive role and watching sex only for reproduction. So they find it hard to tell to a partner what they like and what not. They expect him to know, and he does not know!

3. Disclaimed initiatives

Why do women usually wait for med to make the first move? Why is he the one who has to show interest for sex, in order for it to happen? For many men, it is very attractive and sexy when women take the initiative. Call him at work and tell him that you have planned for him sexy, romantic evening. He will be excited all day. Surprise him with sexy lingerie when he arrives home. There are many options for how to encourage your partner to feel desirable and sexy. With a little imagination and effort, you can find exciting ways to initiate a passionate sexual encounters.

4. Rejection of spontaneity!

Sex should always be a planned event. Men love when women are more spontaneous in this regard. When you tell him to park a car, grab him and start kissing as soon as he enter through the door, hug him in the morning before he gets out of bed with a nice word that you want to start your day with passion.

5. Making love in the bedroom

Not only does this get bored, but is also limited. Use the kitchen table, couch, car, shower, bath or any other place that comes to mind. Monotony kills sex life. Do not be afraid to refresh!

6. Controlling partner by refusing sex

One of the worst things are to use a sex as a weapon. Sex was not created for it! He should apprehend a people and provide them satisfaction. Refusal of sex because you are angry is not good. This does not mean that you should agree to have sex when you?re not in the mood, or you just do not want. You should not agree to have sex because you do not know how to get out of situations, and you should not even let anyone pressure you or force you into sex. We?re talking about situations when you bring your conscious decision to refrain from sex in order to ?restore? your partner, or teach him the lesson because you had a fight. Sex is not a tool for manipulation!

These are just some of the things that you should consider in order to have a healthy, caring and exciting sex life. If you have this in mind and try to resolve problem areas, you?ll do well on your way of improving your sexual relationships and communication!


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