Saturday, June 16, 2012

Steve Wozniak Says Apple made Siri Dumber After iPhone 4S Incorporation


Siri is the new poster-child for the iPhone 4S, and Apple is expanding it with more functionality and adding it to the new iPad with iOS 6. But long before Siri became the forefront of the iPhone 4S, it was a free app in the App Store. According to the TimesUnion, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak recently spoke up on Siri's intelligence level pre and post Apple's implementation:

"I would say, 'Siri, what are the five largest lakes in California?' and it would come up, one, two, three, four, five. And I would ask 'What are the prime numbers greater than 87?' and they would come up all in a row. That was pretty incredible," Wozniak said.

"Then Apple bought Siri," he said. He then paused, lifted his right hand and gave it a big thumbs down.

"'What are the largest lakes in California?' I'd get all these lakefront properties. And I'd say 'What are the prime numbers greater than 87?' And I'd get prime rib," Wozniak said.

Woz then goes on to call Siri "poo-poo". But Siri is still in 'beta', right? Nevertheless, we hope the improved Siri will be as intelligent as it was before, if not better.


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