Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bryce Harper is mad about a game-worn jersey selling at auction ...


Washington Nationals superstar Bryce Harper had a brilliant game against the Miami Marlins on April 1 to open up his 2013 regular season campaign. He tore the cover off the ball, going 2-4, with the two hits both being home runs, jump-starting a season that by all appearances will be a phenomenal one for the second-year outfielder.

The jersey that Harper was wearing that particular game, apparently unbeknownst to him, was recently sold through the auction arm of And Harper is none too pleased about how a prized memento was just taken away from him and sold for?

Over 13,000 smackeroos? Wow. That?s a lot of Chipotle burritos. Not that Harper needs the money for those.

Harper took to Twitter on Thursday to express his dismay over the pilfering of his game-worn jersey by the Nationals and/or Major League Baseball.

Via @Bharper3407:

Harper continues, addressing how any of the proceeds from the sale of the jersey better have gone to charity or some worthy cause and not lining the pockets of the Nationals or MLB:

Much to Harper?s relief I am sure, D.C. Sports Bog reports that the MLB auction does in fact indicate that all proceeds do go to charity. Nevertheless, Harper is without a keepsake from his memorable game. A person might ask: Will he get over it? Of course he will. That?s a clown question. Bro.

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