Sunday, April 21, 2013

Twilio Extends Communications API Platform to the Japan Market

TwilioEarlier this month, Twilio announced that the company joined the Google Cloud Platform Partner Program and that the Twilio API had been integrated into the Google App Engine. Twilio (in partnership with KDDI Web Communications) has now announced the launch of Twilio for KWC, bringing the Twilio API to the Japanese developer community.

Twilio For KWC

Twilio for KDDI Web Communications (Twilio for KWC) includes the same functionality as the Twilio API making it possible for Japanese developers to build communication-driven web and mobile applications. Twilio For KWC also offers localized currency, documentation and resources. Noriyuke Koide, General Manager for the Twilio Division at KWC, says in the press release that:

?Twilio has a fantastic platform that allows developers and enterprises to build the future of communications. We are thrilled to extend Twilio?s API to our customers through our new Twilio For KWC offering.?

Developers in Japan who would like to start using Twilio For KWC can sign up for an account at the Japanese Division Twilio Website.


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