Monday, May 6, 2013

Unjunk Your Junk Food Book Review - Canadian Free Stuff


In a perfect world all foods that taste great would also be good for you. Imagine that all those leafy green vegetables that are packed full of wonderful nutrients tasted as great as that bag of chips that is sitting in your pantry right now. Never going to happen. We live in the real world and even those people that strive to eat right every single?day still have cravings for junk food. Lets face it we all love to indulge and conveniently packaged snack food is here to stay. So we are left with the question of how to choose a ?healthier? version of our favourite snack food. I know some of you are screwing up your face right now and saying. Junk food is junk food. It is all the same. Well, I used to think that too, until I discovered a book called Unjunk Your Junk Food, Healthy Alternatives to Conventional Snacks.

Unjunk Your Junk Food by Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer (creators of with Lisa Tsakos is a great book or maybe I would call it more of a manual that teaches you the basics of good nutrition and how important it is to read and understand the nutrition facts and ingredients labels found on your food. It is not just the calories you should be concerned about.

Most of us have no idea have no idea what most of these ingredients are let alone be able to pronounce them. This manual breaks it down in plain English. It tells you what to look for as far as calories, fat, sodium, fiber and sugar. It not only explains how much is an acceptable amount, it also goes into detail?explaining which items to watch out for. This guide will teach you how important it is to?read the?Ingredients List even before you look at the calories and fats that are on the on the Nutrition Panel. I learned that even with junk food there is a ?cleaner? choice that can be made. The whole idea is to avoid the ?Scary Seven?.

Seven ingredients you should always try to avoid.

1. High Fructose Corn Syrup

2. Trans Fat

3. Artificial Flavours

4. Monosodium Glutamate

5. Artificial Colours

6. Artificial Sweeteners

7. Preservatives

Sound pretty easy right? Wrong, there are tons and tons of ingredients that fall under these categories and there are lots of other items we should try to avoid as well. It tells you why these items are bad for you and what you can look for instead. This book breaks it all down.? You get tons of definitions, explanations and examples of what to look for and what to avoid when out shopping for snack food. Ever wondered what certain terms found on packaging really means? This book spells it all out. You will learn how not be deceived by misleading product labels. Learn about terms such as light, low cholesterol, low fat, made with organic ingredients, no added sugar, no salt added and so on. It tells? you what you can believe and what you need explore further before making an informed decision.


There is over 225 pages in this compact book and about 170 of them show you actual snack foods. The left hand page shows you a bad choice product. It shows you the actual Nutrition Facts, the ingredients list and clearly shows you all the bad ingredients in red and the ones you should avoid in yellow. It shows you a thumbs down symbol and explains why you don?t want these particular ingredients in your junk food. The right hand page is an example of a better junk food product. One that is naturally savvy approved. It compares the bad choice vs the good choice and explains why you should choose?the ?item shown or a similar product. It is very clear and concise. Everything is right there for you. Even if you don?t have these particular products available to you at your local grocery store you can follow the general rules of the book and make an informed decision. Each section has interesting Savvy Facts so you continue learning right throughout the book.

Unjunk Your Junk Food is a wonderful resource and I just love that the book is small enough to take with you when you are out grocery shopping. There is even a Worst Ingredients pull-out chart to make shopping even easier and a full glossary that further explains lots of those crazy words no one can pernouce that are found on prouct label. I truly have enjoyed this book and will use the information I have learned every single time I go shopping for my junk food fix.

Want to learn more or order your very own copy of Unjunk Your Junk Food book than check out the Naturally Savvy website below and feel better about snacking on healthier version of junk food.

The Naturally Savvy .com website?

Direct Page Link for the Book

or purchase Unjunk You Junk Food from (it is on sale right now for just $14.43)

Thank you for taking the time to read this review and remember there really?is a way to make smarter junk food choices.

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