Friday, July 6, 2012

mazzy may: Girl Crush Friday

Should you see Missy Franklin a little bit behind in the pool this
summer in one of what will likely be many races, don?t count her out.
?I?m known to go absolutely crazy and pull all this energy out of
nowhere,? explains Franklin, who holds the world record with her team in
the 4-by-100-meter medley relay and won the individual gold in the
200-meter backstroke at the 2011 FINA World Championships. ?I don?t
really know where it comes from, but I always try in that last fifteen
meters to give whatever I have left, and just push 110 percent until I
hit the wall.? She is a monster, in other words, though you would never
know it from her unassuming life as a low-key, seventeen-year-old
Catholic high school kid who devoured The Hunger Games and loves to dance?ballet, jazz, anything. She ascribes her success to her height (six feet one), feet (size 13), and hands (big), as well as her mom, who gets the gold every time at the rigorous family board games they play in Centennial, Colorado. Her former-football-playing dad also taught her a thing or two about competition (?On everything, I will take him down!?) and nicknamed her Missy the Missile at age twelve. ?I kind of did the whole ?Dad, never say that again? thing,? she says. ?But of course, knowing my dad, it totally stuck.?
She is on track to be the female Michael Phelps this summer (or Ryan Lochte, depending on how things go in London), and if people ask her how it happened, she will recall her first Olympic trials, when she was thirteen and didn?t make the cut. The pool in Omaha looked like Times Square. ?Before that, the biggest crowd I?d ever performed for was maybe 200 people,? she says. On the ride home with her folks, something clicked, and she really dug in for her coach. (The two first teamed up when she was a seven-year-old Starfish.) ?I think we?re both surprised at how far we?ve come, especially together,? she says. Soon the world will be watching to see just how far they will go.-VOGUE


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