Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 10 July 2012

Tree rings suggest Roman world was warmer than thought

It's long been thought that tree ring data indicate 2000 years of stable global temperatures - a new analysis suggests we have been reading them the wrong way

First case of alleged stem-cell fraud enters US courts

Six people in the US are suing biotech company RNL Bio for alleged fraud over controversial stem-cell treatments

New $99 console Ouya promises low-cost gaming

The new Android-based console aims to bring smartphone games back to the living room

Climate change boosted odds of Texas drought

The heatwave that fried Texas last year was made 20 times more likely by climate change, and so were four other extreme weather events in 2011

Peter Higgs: Boson discovery like being hit by a wave

It has been a week to remember, the man who came up with the idea of the Higgs boson tells New Scientist in an exclusive interview

How the Higgs could explain secrets of the universe

Find out how the discovery of the Higgs boson could be key to uncovering fundamental questions about our universe and the nature of reality

The wonder-working bubbles that physics can't explain

Nanobubbles can revive polluted lakes, clean computer chips and might even make wonder drugs. Not bad considering they shouldn't exist, says Michael Brooks

Switching your universe to toy with the laws of physics

In the game Quantum Conundrum you can enter dimensions in which time moves more slowly, gravity is reversed and things are 10 times heavier than normal

What compels people to give their money away?

Meet Pamala Wiepking, who studies what makes philanthropists tick, and tells us why women, the elderly and the poor are more generous

Worst and wildest: Five off-the-charts weather events

There has always been freak weather, but recently the extremes have been getting ever more extreme. Here are five off-the-chart events

Computer watches you play a game, then beats you at it

As software watches humans play a game, it uses image-processing tools to master the rules and calculate the best moves

Silky scheme for vaccine storage without refrigeration

Vaccine drugs can be trapped in tiny pockets within silk, protecting them from the water that causes them to degrade and removing the need for refrigeration

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