Monday, August 20, 2012

Cre8 Contest with Ideas for Home and Family Fun | The New Home Ec

Cr82MeYou200 Enter the Cre8 + 2 Contest Sharing Your Crafty IdeasHow fun is this contest? It?s all about making the time to create and craft with someone you love? Cre8 + 2 = me and you!

This contest comes from Family Ever After, a place to share all kinds of family friendly ideas. And for the next week, you can link up on her blog to be entered into this contest. You can enter in something from your blog or even a new project, anything that inspires you to cre8!

?This is a contest designed to inspire you to spend time creating with a loved one (i.e. a child, parent, sibling, friend, neighbor). The point is to encourage you to spend time creating, teaching, learning, playing, and making memories while sharing your creativity!?

To enter the contest and link up your own ideas by August 26th for a chance to win over at Family Ever After.


 Enter the Cre8 + 2 Contest Sharing Your Crafty Ideas


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