Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tablet computer sales will overtake notebooks by 2016 - People

by Dean Takahashi, Venture Beat

Sleek, fast and slim notebook computers are coming as early as this fall. But that might be the last hurrah of the laptop, as tablet computers are expected to overtake sales of notebook computers by the end of 2016. That?s the forecast for the changing computing landscape, according to Richard Shim, senior analyst for mobile devices at DisplaySearch. The change reflects a shift in consumer preferences, Shim said at the Emerging Display Technologies conference on Tuesday in Santa Clara, Calif. Tablets have screen sizes ranging from 5 inches to 10 inches, while notebook computers range from 10 inches to 17 inches. Tablets are focused on convenience, while notebooks are built for performance. Tablets are selling strong in mature markets like the U.S., while notebooks are selling better in emerging markets. That?s because notebooks are often the only computing devices in a household and they have to be used for high-performance tasks and productivity apps.

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