Every college football season is different, right? Yes and no. There are a few things from the 2012 season that will also be true in 2013. They are:RammaJammaYellaHamma/wikimedia1. Alabama will be tough to beatI mean, really tough to beat. Nick Saban is a machine who annually finds an awe-inspiring group of players. Does it even matter who the Tide return and who they?ve lost? Whoever is there is going to be immensely talented and coached-up to the smallest of details.2. Lane Kiffin will be mockedLane Kiffin tries too hard. The guy knows football, I think, but something about his approach just doesn?t click and doesn?t inspire confidence. Combine his questionable coaching decisions, the dumbfounded face he tends to make, and the cutthroat fans down in L.A., and you have a recipe for BOOOOOOOO!3. Penn State will be tougher than you thinkBill O?Brien?s stalwart coaching style is contagious and will continue to inspire a team of below-average talent. Run the ball, don?t turn it ...

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