Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Shares of ChinaNet Online Holdings Rank the Lowest in Terms of Debt-to-Capital Ratio in the Advertising Industry (CNET, FMCN, HHS, IPG, OMC)

Written on Tue, 07/16/2013 - 6:38am

By Shiri Gupta

Below are the three companies in the Advertising industry with the lowest Debt-to-Capital ratios. The debt-to-capital ratio is an important measure of how a company is financing its operations along with some insight into its financial strength, relative to other companies in its industry.

ChinaNet Online Holdings ranks lowest with a a Debt-to-Capital ratio of 0.3%. Focus Media Holding is next with a a Debt-to-Capital ratio of 12.0%. Harte-Hanks ranks third lowest with a a Debt-to-Capital ratio of 24.3%.

Interpublic Group of Cos follows with a a Debt-to-Capital ratio of 45.1%, and Omnicom Group rounds out the bottom five with a a Debt-to-Capital ratio of 57.4%.

SmarTrend recommended that subscribers consider buying shares of Interpublic Group of Cos on December 12th, 2012 as our technology indicated a new Uptrend was in progress when shares hit $10.98. Since that recommendation, shares of Interpublic Group of Cos have risen 42.3%. We continue to monitor Interpublic Group of Cos for any potential shift so investors can protect gains and will alert SmarTrend subscribers immediately.

Keywords: lowest debt-to-capital ratio chinanet online holdings focus media holding harte-hanks interpublic group of cos Omnicom Group



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