Monday, July 15, 2013

Disaster Recovery Implementation as per Business continuity ...

SUBRAYA SHANKAR_institute_Canara Bank Logo

Project Category:?PSE
Sub Category: Enterprise Technology Solution
Reference No.:?PSE2013/awards/97

Details of?Programme?/Project/Initiative:

Brief Description:
DR Site is Tier 3 Data Centre which ensures online maintenance without any downtime for installed devices. It is a HOT site which is a duplicate of the original site with hardware and server configuration identical to main Data Centre. There is Real time SYNCHRONIZATION between the DC and DR sites to completely mirror the Data environment of the original site using WIDE AREA NETWORK links. DR centre of Bank has Change Management process to ensure control and management of OS upgrades, firmware upgrades and Network access permissions to ensure high availability of DRC. At DR site Application Patch Management is implemented to ensure application synchronization. Bank has ensured Periodical DC and DRC staff exchange to handle DR situations efficiently. Bank also ensures planned DR DRILL every quarter to be in readiness in case of Disaster occurs. Overall, DR is available in case of Non availability of Primary Data Centre due to any reason with Recovery Point Objective of 15 Minutes and Recovery Time Objective of 2Hours.

1. To Reduce Overall Risk for Bank.
2. To Alleviate Owner/Investor Concerns.
3. To Restore Day-To-Day Operations in case of Component / Software /Database Failure.
4. To Comply with Regulations as per Banks policy and also RBI?s policy.
5. To ensure Rapid Response for any type of Disaster.

Target Group:
1. Bank Customers.
2. Bank Staff/ Branches.

Geographical Reach within India:?Entire Country

Geographical Reach outside India:?Entire World

Date From which the Project became Operational:?1-1-2006

Is the Project still operational?: Yes

List 5 key achievements of the programme/project:

1.?Conducted Disaster Recovery Drills successfully 14 Times since last 7 years by switching over from DC to DRC without effecting business and customer service.
2.?Worked from Disaster Recovery site from 12/09/2012 to 20/11/2012 successfully for a planned maintenance activity at Data Centre, Bangalore. Data Centre was available during the period for any potential event.
3.?Whenever there is Network failure we had used out DR links for reaching Primary Data Center and ensure high availability of delivery channels to customers.
4.?4.Better Return On Investment :- a.To better utilization of hardware and network connectivity, DRC is ACTIVE site for core banking reporting. b.Part of EOD / BOD is completed at DRC to ensure timely opening of branches for business.
5.?5.Compliance with various regulator?s guidelines and achieved best industry standards.

List 5 key challenges faced while implementing the programme/project/initiative and how they were overcome:

1.?Bringing all the branches working in branch software using Standalone system under centralized Core Banking Solution:- To overcome we initiated proper work distribution and planning.
2.Bringing RPO & RTO as per the BCP guidelines: ? By conducting frequent DR DRILLs.
3.?Expansion of Data Center space in tune with business growth: ? Timely up gradation of all required resources.
4.?Implementing Green Data Centre:- To overcome use of unnecessary Energy Banks has used efficient Devices like Blade Centre and eliminating unnecessary devices, identifying under-utilized servers & reusing the same (instead of new servers).
5.?Availibility of skilled manpower:- The availibility of skilled manpower was ensured by giving requisite training to existing staff and recruiting knowledgeable personnels for implementing effecint Dssaster Recovery site.


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