Thursday, September 27, 2012

iPad/iPhone Apps That Make my Adoptee Heart Happy ? Land of ...

This is not a plug for Apple, as if Apple needs it. ?I will openly admit to being madly in love with my iPad, however. ?I use the thing for everything. ?It entertains my children at restaurants when we find ourselves waiting for a long time to be served. ?It helps me keep my hectic schedule straight. ?It lets me blog from virtually anywhere. ?It leaves me with no excuse not to capture videos of life?s moments because I am way to busy to figure out how my real camcorder works. ?It totally caters to my reading addiction. ?Flipping through my app screen the other day, I wondered if any apps I use that would resonate with other adoptees. ?What are the adoptee-related stories behind why I?ve downloaded some of the apps I have that might make other adoptees chuckle?

App Name: Heredis? ? ? Price: ?FREE

I just downloaded ?Heredis? by BSD Concept and am getting the hang of it. ?This app allows you to enter in?genealogical?information on-the-go and displays your input in a really pretty family tree. ?Even almost three years after reunion, I have a hard time keeping my aunts, uncles, and cousins all straight (9 biological aunts/uncles and I have about 30 first cousins!). ?I wish I would have found something like this sooner so that I could use it to take down information when visiting with biological relatives to make all my family info easier to remember.

App Name: Poetry? ? ?Price: ?FREE

The Poetry app by The Poetry Foundation is one of my all-time favorite apps ever. ?It cleverly allows you to match categories and themes found in poems and pulls up a lists of suggested poetry to read based on the themes you select. ?Or, you can just hit ?spin? and it will match themes for you and randomly select a poem for you to read. ?I use it to find calming things to read to patients who are unresponsive but can still hear. ?I use it when I?m stressed. ?I especially love that there?s a ?family? category. ?I was thrilled to find an amazing poem on adoption reunions from the perspective of an adoptee (get the app, see if you can find it!).

App Name: ?Plaxo? ? ?Price: ?FREE

I feel terribly but I will admit to losing all of my contacts (in other words, Christmas card list) not once, not twice, but at least three times because of computer issues in the past. ?Which means I have had to ask family members to give me their addresses over and over again. ?Embarrassing. ?I like that I can enter names and addresses on my iPad or computer through my account at Plaxo?s website?sort of like Dropbox?and they sync so that everything is backed up and accessible no matter where I am.

App Name: ?Evernote? ? ?Price: ?FREE

On Evernote, you can take notes, audio recordings, clippings from the web, and pictures and keep them all on one ?note.? ?I love to use this app to collect oral histories. ?You can organize your ?notes? by topic (by tagging) and Evernote pins on a map each geographical location each note was made in. ?I used this app to capture the oral history of an original mother for a project and it worked perfectly. ?I am planning on interviewing various family members about our family history using Evernote and will pass down each multimedia project to future generations.

App Name: ?Ancestry? ? ?Price: ?FREE

If you are unlike me and do a good job at keeping up with your family tree, Ancestry made an app for you to update your ancestry tree and work on your tree away from home with this mobile app. ?I downloaded in the spirit of good intentions. ?I will get back to it?.someday.

App Name: ?Living Earth HD?? ? Price: $1.99

This app lets you view a stunning representation of planet Earth, including city lights from the sky at night. ?I love it because I can use it to tell the time and weather wherever my loved ones are. ?I can also follow developing storms. ?It even has a nifty alarm clock.

And of course, do not forget iTunes so that you can listen to LGA Podcasts. ?Did you know that you can add LGA on your app home screen so that it is only one click away? ?Just visit in your Internet browser on your device, click at the top of your browser, select ?add to home screen? from the drop-down list. ?LGA will show up in a little icon right there on your home screen with all of your apps for you to click on at your convenience.

What are your favorite apps?


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