Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Terracotta Brings Real-Time Big Data Access To All - For Free ...

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --?Terracotta, Inc., the leader in in-memory technologies for enterprise big data,?today introduced BigMemory Go. With BigMemory Go, IT architects can now capitalize on inexpensive server RAM to put as much data in memory as they desire to speed application performance. It is the latest innovation in the award-winning BigMemory line that delivers unmatched in-memory speed at big data scale.?


BigMemory Go is available via a free 32GB per instance production license.?The product can be deployed on as many servers as desired.

"BigMemory Go's free offering of 32GB in-memory data presents application developers with an exciting opportunity," said Hyoun Park, principal analyst at Nucleus Research. "Traditionally they have lacked access to in-memory solutions that can substantially improve enterprise-grade data without making significant financial investment. Now, they can quickly download and deploy BigMemory Go without cost to immediately see the benefits of in-memory big data management in speeding application performance to obtain real-time results, greater productivity, and higher ROI."

"BigMemory Go is a very transformative product that can certainly be disruptive. It maps nicely to the volume and velocity aspects of Big Data. People want the real-time access that in-memory solutions can provide. Business data is growing at an incredible rate, and organizations across all countries and industries have to face the challenge of scaling up their data infrastructure to meet this new pressure," said Nathaniel Rowe, research analyst, Aberdeen Group. "Advances in server hardware and application design have led to a potential solution to this issue: in-memory computing. Aberdeen's research into Big Data has shown that organizations with in-memory computing were not only able to analyze larger amounts of data in less time than their competitors - they were literally orders of magnitude faster."

Terracotta's BigMemory solutions, first introduced in 2010, have helped define and set the standard for in-memory big data management. Used by global leaders ranging from Visa to Sabre, they easily drop into and integrate with existing IT environments to unlock the untapped value in big data, delivering up to 1,000 times faster access to terabytes of data than any other technology. With BigMemory Go, organizations now have a less costly and more scalable alternative to disk-backed relational databases and specialized appliances with limited capacity. ?

Additionally, the millions of users of Terracotta's Ehcache (the de facto caching standard for enterprise Java) can now easily upgrade to BigMemory Go, further shifting the balance of data management to in-memory solutions.?BigMemory Go provides Ehcache users with a significant upgrade including substantially more in-memory capacity as well as robust search and management capabilities.

"We are very excited to announce BigMemory Go and bring in-memory technology to everyone.?We view it as the perfect on ramp to Big Data for every enterprise," said Gary Nakamura, general manager of Terracotta.?"BigMemory Go is a disruptive technology that will lead the in-memory data management revolution, opening up new opportunities for innovation for our customers and representing a fantastic upgrade for our global Ehcache user base."

Key capabilities of BigMemory Go include:

  • Massive in-memory data store - BigMemory Go allows companies to store as much data in memory as their servers have available
  • Very fast searches - BigMemory Go provides powerful search APIs for searching in-memory data in a predictable manner with extremely low latencies
  • Comprehensive management & monitoring - BigMemory Go includes the Terracotta Management Console, a new web-based dashboard for complete management, administration, and monitoring of BigMemory Go deployments
  • Fast restartable store - BigMemory Go provides a fault tolerant persistent store that supports the latest SSD and disk technologies


BigMemory Go is available immediately via a free 32GB per instance production license.?The product can be deployed on as many servers as desired. Simple and affordable upgrades for additional storage and support are also available.

Supporting Resources
BigMemory Go
Enterprise Ehcache
Ehcache Community
Software AG

About Terracotta, Inc.

Terracotta, Inc. is a leading provider of game changing Big Data management solutions for the enterprise. Its flagship BigMemory product line features Big Data in-memory solutions that deliver performance at any scale. Terracotta's other award winning data management solutions include Ehcache, the de facto caching standard and Quartz the de facto scheduler for enterprise Java. Terracotta supports the data management needs of a majority of the Global 1000 with over 500,000 deployments of its products. Terracotta is a wholly owned subsidiary of Software AG (Frankfurt TecDAX: SOW). For more information, please visit?

SOURCE Terracotta, Inc.


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