Friday, September 21, 2012

It's not too much to ask for safer household ... - The Motherhood

I went to an event today and realized for the first time that many, many of my household products ? like my shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, laundry detergent and cleaners ? have petrochemicals in them.? (How could I have missed this tidbit, you might ask?!? Well, I?m not exactly sure, but indecipherable labels are partly to blame.? FYI, when you see ?fragrance? on your moisturizer?s ingredient label, that means petrochemicals.)


The event was called, ?It?s Time to Take the Toxins Out of Our Lives? and included Deepak Chopra, Sara Snow, Jeanne Rizzo, CEO of the Breast Cancer Fund, and? John Replogle, CEO of Seventh Generation.? Seventh Generation sponsored the event and, let me tell you, it was a wake-up call.


?It is insane that we?re allowing petrochemicals in our products,? said Deepak Chopra.? ?Using products with petrochemicals causes inflammation in the body. This type of inflammation is what causes many types of cancer.? said Deepak.


Deepak went on to talk about how as a country we have invested heavily for decades in trying to find a cure for cancer but we haven?t taken action to get rid of petrochemicals in the products we use daily on our skin and in our homes ? even when we know they are dangerous.



At the event, Seventh Generation released the results of a survey saying that 2 of 3 Americans are concerned about toxins in their household products.? Apparently, public sentiment is moving in the right direction here.


?More Americans are becoming aware of the ingredients in products they put on their skin,? said Seventh Generation CEO John Replogle. ?We can?t be healthy humans on a sick planet.? The level of concern voiced by the American public represents a mandate for immediate, sweeping systemic change.?


Seventh Gen is ahead of the curve here.? The company?s products are all ?bio-based?, meaning all ingredients are derived from plants, animal, marine or forestry materials.? I think you?ll be hearing more about ?bio-based? materials ? which, btw, are different from organic materials, in that organic speaks only to how something is grown and certified organic products can still contain petrochemicals.? Bio-based products do not.


Deepak said, ?We are not nouns on this planet; we are verbs. We are in action on the planet every? day.?


Yes, we are.? And my action today is to go through my household products and toss out the dangerous ones and replace them with bio-based ones.


September 19, 2012 at 5:17 pm


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