Monday, September 24, 2012

Report: Israel denies it obstructed Jordan's nuclear energy plans

TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma'an) -- Israeli officials say they assisted Jordan in establishing a civil nuclear energy program, contesting comments by the Jordanian king that Israel had tried to obstruct the program, Israeli media reported on Sunday.

King Abdullah of Jordan said in an interview last week that Israel tried to pressure countries not to cooperate with the nuclear initiative.

David Danieli, deputy director of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, told Israeli newspaper Haaretz that on the contrary, Israeli supplied geological data, on Jordan's request, about a site near Israel's southern border where Jordan was considering putting nuclear facilities.

Danieli said the information influenced the Jordanians to move their plant location to the north of the country.

"Israel believes in the peaceful use of nuclear energy in the Middle East, as long as states fully honor their international nonproliferation obligations," he told the paper.


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