Sunday, September 16, 2012

Video: Libya claims to have intelligence on attacks

>> now to libya where we are learning new details about the attack that killed four americans including the u.s. ambassador there. eamon mojadin has an exclusive interview tonight. good evening.

>> reporter: the details of the attack that killed the american ambassador and three others may not be clear. according to libya 's president there is no doubt in his mind who is responsible for the attack. the charred remains of the u.s. consulate in benghazi. libya 's president said today the attack was not the aftermath of a spontaneous outburst of street protests over an anti-islam movie.

>> i have no doubts about this. it is a preplanned attack. with criminal intentions.

>> reporter: for the first time president magriev said it wasn't just libyans involved in the attack. without giving details he said foreigners participated in planning and orchestrating the assault.

>> we have assumptions and we have some information. and all the information that we have now leads to the same direction.

>> reporter: one possible reason the u.s. was targeted -- revenge. earlier this year a u.s. drone strike killed one of al qaeda 's most senior leaders, a libyan man. since the collapse of the gadhafi regime the libyan government has struggled to maintain security. there are concerns militant groups will exploit the vacuum to launch deadly attacks like the one on the u.s. consulate. today in a statement posted online al qaeda praised the killing of the american ambassador and called for more attacks on u.s. embassies around the world. outside the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libyan police sealed the compound to protect uh clues or evidence to help the fbi with the investigation. earlier today, i spoke with one of the libyan security guards at the u.s. consulate who was wounded in the assault. he told me there are about 40 attackers who used rocket propelled grenades and machine guns as they stormed the compound looking for americans inside. the americans who survived the attack have been evacuated to germany where they are being interviewed by the fbi for any possible clues. here in libya , the government now says it has ten suspects in its custody. lester?


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