Friday, September 7, 2012



In a world where Dragons and humans once lived in peace, corruption and greed have forced the Dragons into solitude. Will they ever return?


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Q. Can I create more than one character?

A. Yes.

Q. Can I create a character which is a Dragon?

A. No. If you create a Dragon profile it will be rejected. If you create a character who bonds with a Dragon, either before they are introduced to the RP or after, then you may portray that Dragon's thoughts and actions.

Q. Can my character be a half breed?

A. Yes. You can cross breed any two races with the exceptions being Vampires and Werewolves because their blood is unstable and will be lost if cross breeding takes place in which case the infant will always be the same race as the other parent.

Q. What Dragons can I enter the DHP with?

A. Any Dragon save for the Sinister Dragon, Devil Dragon, Divine Dragon, and the Phoenix Dragon.

Q. What races are compatible with the Dragons for the DHP?

A. Humans, Elves, Nymphs and Faeries.

Q. Are the Dragons really immortal?

A. No. Dragons can be hurt but it is very difficult unless you have high powered weaponry such as a ballistae or a catapult and are very accurate with them. Most Dragon scales are too hard to penetrate, though the bellies of most are typically weaker than the outer body scales. The two Dragons with scales on their bellies which are just as hard as the rest are the Bladed Dragons and the Ebon Dragons.

Q. What kind of magic exists in this world?

A. Magic is magic, but it is based on energy in this RP. One's own inner energy will determine how powerful your magic is and how potent it can be depending on how it's used.

Q. What is the order of most powerful to least powerful when it comes to magic?

A. High Elf, Dark Elf, Faerie, Elf, Succubi, Vampire, Nymph.

Q. Can you see or sense the magic in others?

A. No and Yes. You cannot "see" magic but it can be sensed. Magic is energy in this RP, and energy is heat. The closer you get to someone with magical power, the warmer the air will become. Also, beings with magic can close their eyes and clear their minds to "see" the magical aura of others, but only those with magic. Non magic beings like humans do not have this ability.

Q. What exactly is the Dragon's Heart Pact (DHP)?

A. The Dragon's Heart Pact is a joining of the energies between a Dragon and one of the races compatible with making the bond. The Dragon will breath both their soul matter and life energy into the one they are bonding with, a process which takes about two minutes to complete, and the energies between the two become forever bonded as one. Their hearts beat exactly at the same time and their minds connect on a deeper level of the psyche than other living beings. Should one die, the other will as well. One can no longer live without the other once the Pact is complete.

Q. Can the Dragon's Heart Pact be undone?

A. No.

Q. I noticed that there is telepathy in this RP. Who has it?

A. Beings with magic have telepathy, but it's one way. You can send your thoughts to another and receive the thoughts of another, but you cannot just randomly listen in so nice try. Should a human bond with a Dragon, they too will receive the ability to use telepathy, though to a weaker extent than those with inherent magical abilities.

Q. What affects doe the Dragon's Heart Pact have on those who bond with the Dragon?

A. If it's a being with magic, that magic is amplified roughly five fold. Telepathy, if it was inherent in the being to begin with, will become more powerful and the range within which it can be used is extended. The hearts of the one involved beat at a slightly faster resting rate than those without (approximately 80bpm), and their stamina, endurance and concentration improves.

Q. How can you tell when someone is bonded to a Dragon?

A. Their eyes will contain a small number of red specs or flex which will shimmer in dim lighting. If you look at their magic aura, it will be far in excess of what you'd see in their race normally.

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